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  • How often should I water my succulents?
    Water your succulents infrequently and avoid overwatering. Soak the soil deeply then let the soil dry out completely before watering again. Use a well draining soil in a pot with a drainage hole. Try to avoid wetting the leaves too much. While searching for water, the succulent will grow new roots, making the ‘drought’ period important.
  • Should my succulent be kept indoors or outdoors?
    Different varieties of succulents and cacti prefer a range of light types and some are more hardy than others. First you need to understand the environment you live in. Head over to the care sheets to see which are the most suitable for your environment.
  • How do I propagate my succulent?
    Succulents can be propagated by leaves, cuttings, offsets and division. The appropriate method will vary depending on the type of succulent you have.
  • How do I save a dying succulent?
    Most cacti and succulents 'die' from overwatering. Remember that they are hardy plants that are used to intense periods of drought. Depending on the type of succulent, the leaves may begin to wilt, change colour or become squishy. If concerned, stop watering your succulent for at least 3 weeks and monitor its condition. If it is not due to water, it could be soil type or too little/too much sun.
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